B |
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Baby |
Happiness. Rebirth. Trust. |
Back door |
Changes in life. Family arguments. Approaching money. |
Baggage |
Opinions. Attitudes. Material goods and responsibilities. |
Bakery |
Prosperity and success. Profits in business ventures. |
Balcony |
Seeing or being seen. Financial gains. Big love. |
Bald |
Sexual issues. Wisdom. Serious illness is in sight. |
Ball |
Integration. Wholeness. |
Ballet |
Infidelity with lover. Warning of troubles. Discipline grace. Culture. |
Balloon |
Inventive mind will cause disappointment. Lightheartedness. |
Bandage |
Protection .Desire for healing. Good times are coming. |
Bank |
Preservation of resources. Sudden loss of money. |
Bankrupt |
Avoid speculation. Business needs immediate watching. |
Bar |
Relaxation. Indulgence. Irresponsibility. Pleasure. Guilty of foolish actions. |
Barefoot |
Postponement of success. Never lasting love. Dishonor in social life. |
Barking |
Take the advice of friends. Not to take business risks. Beneficial event to come. |
Barn |
Will win a law suit. Inheritance. |
Baseball |
Future prosperity. Disappointment in love. Divorce ahead. |
Basement |
The unconscious ready to be seen. |
Basket |
Good business to ventures. Plenty of money. Pliability and craftsmanship. |
Bath |
Cleansing. Release. Anxiety. |
Battle |
Will be persecuted. Will enter into risky ventures. Conflict. Struggle. |
Beach |
Where conscious and unconscious meet. |
Bear |
Possessive love. Will receive bad news. |
Beard |
Authority. Power. Wisdom. |
Beaten |
Unhappiness in home relations. Loss of money. |
Bed |
Retreat from activity. Rest. |
Bedroom |
Changes in own affairs. Concealment of family secrets. |
Beer |
Small business loss. |
Begging |
Misfortune within the family. Will receive a legacy. |
Bell |
Signal. Recognition. Celebration. Quarrels and seduction. |
Belly |
Health and joy. Beware of untrue friends. |
Belt |
Holding up. Securing. Linking. Approach of a love affair. |
Bestiality |
Union with animal passions or instincts. |
Bible |
Family troubles to come soon. Joy without profit. |
Bicycle |
Self-propulsion. Recreation. Will have to make an important decision. |
Big |
Inflated. Generous. Riches and honors. Abundance. |
Bigamy |
Assurance of a happy life. Approaching money. |
Bikini |
Exposure. Display. Revealing. |
Birds |
Family happiness. Prosperity. Liberation from weight of physical plane. Freedom. Escape. |
Birthday |
Celebration of new beginnings. Good results in financial matters. |
Blanket |
Improvement of conditions. Comfort. Security. Warmth. |
Blind |
Jealously and sorrow. Unseeing. Unaware. |
Blond |
Glamour. Artifice. Frivolity. |
Boat |
Movement across the depths of feelings. Will attain aim in life. |
Body |
Happiness. Good business ventures. External form of internal nature. |
Bomb |
Explosive energy. Serious disaster ahead. |
Bondage |
Restriction. Forceful limitation. |
Book |
Information. Guidance. Record keeping. |
Boots |
Power of movement. Vigor. Small amount of good business. |
Bottle |
Full bottle: Prosperity. Empty bottle: Misfortune. |
Box |
Want to keep something safe. Enclose. Contain. |
Boy |
Young power developing. Increase in the family. |
Bra |
Expression of femininity. Private self. Temptation approaching. |
Bracelet |
Early and happy marriage. Binding. Commitment. |
Bread |
Success, wealth and honor. Sustenance. Share resources. Uniting. |
Brakes |
Feeling secure with power. Control of slowing movement. |
Bride |
Feminine receptivity. Ready to receive. |
Bridge |
Connection. Overcoming problems. Change in business occupation. |
Brother |
Fellowship. Expect quarrels. Masculine aspect of self. |
Brunette |
Sultry. Natural. Practical. Down to earth. |
Bugs |
Minor problems. Inconveniences. |
Bull |
Fertility and strength. Rage. Incites passion. |
Burial |
Return to earth. Ready to lay to rest. |
Burning |
Consuming energy. Fiery release. Being passionate towards something. |
Buy |
Average success. Good luck. Compensation. Reward. |
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |