A |
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Abandon |
Will live a long life. Isolation. Leaving behind an old self. Release from control of the old self. |
Abduct |
Good future ahead. Mystery will be solved. |
Abortion |
Loss of the new. Failure to nurture. Happiness in the family. |
Above |
Higher self. Greater understanding or knowledge. Will receive good news. |
Abroad |
Unsettled mind. Changes in present conditions. |
Abundance |
Big success soon. A mystery will be solved. Approaching money-making opportunity. |
Abuse |
Warning of troubles. Fear-induced violence. |
Abyss |
Vast depth. Infinity. Difficulties ahead of you. |
Accident |
Unexpected change. Upset. Life being threatened. |
Accuse |
Beware of scandal. Danger and misfortune. |
Ache |
Beneficial events. Successful trip. Prosperous business. |
Addict |
Obsessive need. Lack of control. |
Adopting |
Increased responsibilities. Financial gains. |
Afternoon |
Good profits in business. |
Age |
Approaching illness. Being deceived. Death in the family. |
Agony |
Long life. Recovery from an illness. |
Agreement |
If good agreement, harmony or commitment. If bad, compromise. |
Air |
Success. Happiness. |
Alarm |
Big changes. Troubles ahead. |
Alcohol |
Relaxation. Indulgence. Freedom from responsibility. |
Alien |
Distant, strange, or unrecognized. |
Allergy |
Good news. New friends. Fortune in present enterprise. |
Alley |
Hiding something. A narrow or secret way. Gossip. |
Altar |
Discovery of lost money. Holiness. Big sacrifice. |
Ambulance |
Financial troubles .Rescues. Recovery from an illness. |
Amputate |
Healthy life. Loss of a friend or relative. |
Anal sex |
Submission. Union without results. |
Ancestor |
Inherited traits. Minor illness to come. Fortune ahead. |
Anchor |
Good fortune. Security and stability. |
Angel |
Compassion. Revelation. Success in love. |
Animals-domestic |
The natural self tamed by civilizing values. |
Animals-wild |
Natural, untamed self. Freedom from civilization. |
Antiques |
Long life. Inheritance is foreseen. Age. Survival value. |
Anxiety |
Overcoming enemies. Happiness. Good health. |
Apartment |
A part of the total house of self. Avoiding rivals. |
Apology |
Happiness in love. Overcoming enemies. Change of companionship. |
Apparition |
Will receive good news. Luck and prosperity. |
Appetite |
Loss of relatives. Health problems. Loss of money. Danger. |
Applause |
Recognition. Acclaim. |
Arch |
Wealth and advancement. Fulfillment of aspirations. |
Archaeology |
Rediscovery of the past. |
Architect |
Work on design of new self or identity. |
Army |
War within the family. |
Arousal |
Stimulation. Availability. |
Arrest |
Misfortune is near. |
Arrow |
Hitting the mark. Cupid's dart. Painful realization. |
Art |
Image of reality. Honor. Value. Creativity. |
Artist |
Success will be yours. Creative display. |
Ashes |
Loss of something through carelessness. Remains. |
Assault |
Good information will be given to you. Monetary gain. Family quarrels. |
Asthma |
Loss of emotional security. Financial gain. |
Astrology |
Loss of money or death. |
Athlete |
Physical work. Strength. Skill. Honor. |
Attic |
Higher consciousness. Memory. Prompt engagement. |
Attorney |
Unexpected good news. Resolution of conflict. |
Avalanche |
Catastrophic release of unexpressed emotions. Confronted by obstacles. |
Awaken |
On guard against coming troubles. |
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |